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These steps will guide implementers through the entire planning process. Policy makers, technical working groups, implementing partners or advocates at the national or sub-national level will find tools informed by experiences in PrEP rollout from South Africa, Kenya and Zimbabwe. Created by the OPTIONS Consortium, led by FSG.

Click here for a short overview of the toolkit. A workbook including data collection worksheets for all the sections below is also available.

Un classeur comprenant des feuilles de travail de collecte de données pour toutes les sections ci-dessous est aussi disponible.

Situation Analysis: Understand your starting point as you prepare to offer oral PrEP
Identify existing assets, current gaps, challenges, stakeholders and key questions for oral PrEP rollout along the value chain. The Situation Analysis establishes a foundation for a comprehensive planning process.

Project Landscape: Assess findings and gaps in PrEP studies and implementation projects
Survey current and planned studies and implementation projects. These offer insights for the successful delivery of PrEP to the populations who need it, but often the findings have not been coordinated. Use the Project Landscape for a high-level overview of what existing efforts are addressing or missing.

Rollout Scenarios: Decide where and how to roll out oral PrEP
Define scenarios for oral PrEP rollout in different counties/districts or to different populations. This simple analysis, based on existing data, can provide quick cost and impact comparisons to guide decision-making.

District Readiness Assessment: Assess readiness for oral PrEP rollout
Assess readiness at the sub-national level to introduce and scale-up oral PrEP, and to inform planning for necessary investment.

Facility Readiness Assessment
In this step, assess the readiness of healthcare facilities to deliver oral PrEP and identify areas that may require additional investment.

Private Health Sector Landscape
Step 6 in a six-part toolkit to assist implementers rolling out oral PrEP. Assess and compare opportunities to delivery oral PrEP through private sector healthcare channels.