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JSI’s USAID DISCOVER-Health Project contributes towards HIV epidemic control in Zambia and has produced a number of PrEP campaign materials. See below!



Introduction to Zambia Ending AIDS

The Zambia Ending AIDS campaign is all about taking control of your sexual health. Knowing your HIV status is important and so is living your life free from judgement and stigma. There is an HIV prevention or treatment option out there that suits you and your lifestyle – and we can help you find it! This video is an introduction to how the campaign was created.

What is HIV risk?

The first step to safeguarding your health is by knowing your HIV status. Whatever result you get, there is a way to manage it, be healthy, live your life, and crucially be safer in the knowledge you gain. So, how do you know if you’re at risk of contracting HIV? This video outlines the different practices that may put you at risk and ways to protect yourself by choosing an HIV prevention plan that suits your life.

Asking to Use a Condom

Condoms offer all-in-one protection from HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy. They’re cheap and readily available from most pharmacies and health centers. Asking to use a condom though isn’t always so easy, right? Worried you will get a bad reaction from your partner or just not sure how to say it? This video gives you tips on how to start that conversation. Remember, pleasure is important, but so is protection. Luckily, condoms can offer both!

How to Take PrEP

Have you heard about PrEP? It’s a new daily pill to help prevent HIV. It’s safe, discreet and puts you in control of protecting yourself. It’s for people who are HIV negative but are at risk of contracting. So, could you be eligible for it? This video helps you find out more about PrEP and if it could be right for you.

Living with HIV

What’s it like living with HIV? From the moment you find out, to getting on treatment, and planning for your future. HIV is like any other disease. It’s important to remember you can live a long and happy life. There will be challenges, like dealing with stigma and judgement, but this video shows why the power lies with you and how you can respond to your status with resilience and positivity.

Guide to Providing PrEP

Calling all healthcare providers! This video is for you, as we outline some top tips and guidance on prescribing PrEP. We want to empower you with the information you need about PrEP, inform you on how best to counsel your client on what’s right for them, and support them in a non-judgmental manner.

What is PrEP?

You prepare yourself for the weather, you prepare yourself for a test, you prepare for the future…so why not prepare for safer sex? PrEP is a new daily pill to help prevent HIV. It’s safe, discreet and puts you in control of protecting yourself. It’s for people who are HIV negative but are at risk of contracting. This video shares more information about what PrEP is and how to take it.

Raising Awareness

There’s a new way to prevent HIV and it’s called PrEP! It’s a daily pill that is safe and discreet to take. If you’re HIV negative and are at risk of contracting, PrEP could be what you need to protect yourself. Don’t just take it from us, check out what your favorite celebrities – Bombshell, Bobby East, Slap-Dee and Mwaka Mugala – have to say about it!

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